Helping People through Yoga + Massage

I met Alfonso only a couple days before.  We were walking across the beach to grab a late  lunch on the Commercial Street pier in Lauderdale by the Sea.    We were hungry and walking quickly when Alfonso abruptly turned.  Within moments, he was reaching out and talking to a woman at least 30 feet away.  She seemed a bit agitated. Alfonso was calmly asking questions and mostly listening.  I assumed it was an old acquaintance or friend.  Then it seemed that Alfonso was examining her back.  They continued to talk as the woman laid down on her beach blanket.  Alfonso started to massage her back and gently stretch her joints.

I sat somewhere and probably checked messages or Facebook.  About 20 minutes later Alfonso joined me.   He explained that the woman was a having back pain issues.   He had noticed earlier as we were walking that the woman was struggling.  So he just naturally went to assist her.  He helped her to relax and then he examined her and learned about her struggles with pain.    In that short time he helped her to feel better, They arranged a massage treatment for later in the week.   And they exchanged Facebook information to stay connected.    He had never met her before.   It was then, that I first realized Alfonso’s innate gifts to help people in pain or stress.

in June, after eight years of educational programs and therapeutic massage and yoga client practice, Alfonso is a certified Yoga for Scoliosis therapist in additional to his many licenses and certifications for a wide range of therapeutic massage modalities and Iyengar Yoga instruction.   I had learned that day, over eight years ago, that Alfonso was naturally gifted in helping and healing people.

Through these years, Alfonso always had an innate sense of how to calm people and guide them through positive inspiration, exercise, therapeutic body work, stretching and yoga.  With years of study of human anatomy and physiology and then Thai massage and   Iyengar Yoga, Alfonso has built upon his intuitive healing sensibilities with a wide body of knowledge and practice.

As we lived in Silicon Valley, Alfonso had the good fortune to have Elise Browning Miller as one of his Iyengar Yoga teachers.  Elise Miller has successfully used yoga to successfully manage the effects of her scoliosis and has helped many clients with scoliosis and back problems.  Drawing upon her knowledge and experience, Elise has written numerous articles and the important text books on Yoga for Scoliosis.  With Ms. Miller as his teacher and mentor, Alfonso has focused his studies and practice on Scoliosis and Back Care.

These past four months as we traveled through Europe on our “TravelDifferent” journey, Alfonso reached out and met with many people with scoliosis as well as their families and friends..  He helped people to begin a daily practice of yoga to manage the effects of scoliosis and to gain some positive control over their bodies.   This on-going effort to engage and help people around the world with scoliosis is now the focus on Alfonso’s practice and the subject of this newly re-designed web site and blog:

While this site is still in its very early stages, we welcome you to take a look and follow along as Alfonso helps private clients and teaches workshops around the world on Yoga for Scoliosis and  Yoga for Back Care.


Helping People with Scoliosis upcoming 2018 Schedule

04 – 11 October:  Bogata, Colombia

12 – 15 October:  Miami, USA

17 October – 15 November: Barcelona, Spain


If you or a family member has scoliosis and would like a free initial consultation, please email Alfonso at:


Classes and Workshops

Yoga for Back Care

A class for students who wish to focus on the health of the spine. It is for students who seek to keep their spine in good condition and also for students with existing posture and spinal misalignment issues.  Classes focus on increasing strength and flexibility, correcting posture and realigning the spine.  This class addresses conditions related to Scoliosis, Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, and Posture problems.

Yoga for Scoliosis Workshop

A workshop for students with scoliosis.   It is for students who wish to understand the pattern of their scoliosis and learn asanas and ordered sequences specific to their pattern which can improve their posture, breathing and spinal alignment.  By understanding their pattern of spinal misalignment and rotation, the student with the instructor will learn yoga sequences when practiced regularly will counter the curves, ease pain and enhance flexibility.


Biography Alfonso Castano <click here>


New (beta) Web Site and Blog


Web Site + Blog











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